Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Electronic crane scales of suspended type are used in cranes in industrial areas both indoors and outdoors. The main field of application is companies where metal acceptance often takes place, and in production.

CAS crane scales are widely used in enterprises and organizations. The scale store supplies crane scales from leading manufacturers at low prices.


Crane scales are designed for static measurement of the weight of goods and containers suspended from the hook of a crane, winch or hoist, in industrial premises and outdoor areas.

Models of crane scales: VVK III-3000, VVK III-5000, VVK III-10000.

The MASS-K crane scales are designed for weighing heavy and massive loads in suspension, including at low temperatures in severe weather conditions.

Models of crane scales MASS-K: EKM-1500.3, EKM-1500/2, EKM-3000/2, EKM-3000.3, EKM-6000/2, EKM-6000.3, EKM-12000/2, EKM-12000.3, EKM-CM-5, EKM-CM-10, EKM-CM-15.

MegaVes crane scales are designed for weighing loads moved by cranes. All crane scales of our production comply with GOST R 53228-2008 and are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Models of MegaVes crane scales: MK-2000D, MK-2000D (W), MK-3000D, MK-3000D (W), MK-5000D, MK-5000D (W), MK-10000D, MK-10000D (W), MK-15000D, MK-15000D (W), MK-20000D, MK-20000D (W), MK-30000D, MK-30000D (W), MK-50000D, MK-50000D (W).

Crane scales MIDDLE - can be operated in closed and open areas, including in adverse weather conditions. The equipment is equipped with a bright LED or LCD display. Most models of scales include a remote control.

Models of crane scales MIDDLE: K 500 OF THE TYPE "Metal 1.1", K 1000 OF THE TYPE "Metal 1.1", K 2000 OF THE TYPE "Metal 1.1", K 3000 OF THE TYPE "Metal 1.1", K 3000 VRDA Metal 3, K 5000 VRDA Metal 3, K 3000 VRDA Metal, K 10000 VRDA Metal 3, K 5000 VRDA Metal, K 3000 VRG2DA Metal 3, K 5000 VRG2DA Metal 3, K 10000 VRDA Metal, MIDDLE K 10000 VRG2DA Metal 3, K 15000 VRDA Metal 3, K-3000 VRGJA Metal, K 15000 VRG2DA Metal 3, K-5000 VRGJA Metal, K 15000 VRDA Metal, K-10000 VRGJA Metal, K 15,000 VRGA Metal 2, K-15,000 VRGA Metal, K-20,000 VRGA Metal, K-30,000 VRGA Metal.

NEVSKY SCALES are equipped with crane scales for sea and river ports, railway stations, and construction sites. The use of this equipment is relevant in the metallurgical industry and chemical production.

Models of crane scales Nevsky scales: VSK-500A, VSK-300A, VSK-1000A, VSK-3000V, VSK-2000V, VSK-5000V, VSK-10000V, VSK-10000N, VSK-20000N, VSK-30000N, VSK-50000N.

Crane electronic Petweights are weighed with high accuracy. The large numbers of the bright display allow you to see the result at a considerable distance.

PetVes crane scales models: KV-500K-1, KV-3000K, KV-2000K-M, KV-5000K, KV-5000K-M, KV-10T, KV-3000K with remote control 280, KV-10T-M, KV-5000K with remote control 280, KV-3000K with UD 5", KV-5000K with UD 5", KV-20T-10 with remote control 280, KV-3000K with remote control 580, KV-5000K with remote control 580, KV-10T with remote control 280, KV-10T with UD 5", KV-10T with remote control 580, KV-15T, KV-20T, KV-20T-M, KV-30T-10 with remote control 280, KV-15T with remote control 280, KV-20T with remote control 280, KV-15T with UD 5", KV-20T with UD 5", KV-15T with remote control 580, KV-20T with Remote control 580, KV-50T-10 with remote control 280, KV-30T, KV-30T with remote control 280, KV-30T with UD 5", KV-30T with remote control 580, KV-100T-10 with remote control 280, KV-50T, KV-50T-M, KV-50T with a remote control 280, KV-50T-M with a remote control 280, KV-50T with a remote control 5", KV-50T with a remote control 580, KV-50T-M with a remote control 5", KV-50T-M with a remote control 580.

SmartVes crane scales are widely used in enterprises and organizations. The scale store supplies crane scales from leading manufacturers at low prices.

SmartVes Crane Scale Models: VEK-150, VEK-300, VEK-500, VEK-1000 MINI, VEK-1000, VEK-2000 MINI, VEK-3000 LIGHT, VEK-3000, VEK-5000 LIGHT, VEK-5000, VEK-D-3000, VEK-10000 LIGHT, VEK-D-5000, VEK-10000, VEK-D-10000, VEK-3000 with remote control, VEK-3000 LIGHT, VEK-5000 with remote control, VEK-15000, VEK-10000 with remote control, VEK-D-15000, VEK-15000 with remote control, VEK-20000, VEK-D-20000, VEK-20000 with remote control, VEK-30000, VEK-D-30000, VEK-D-50000.

TOPAU crane scales are designed for severe operating conditions. The scales have a welded steel body and alloy steel parts, which meets all the "Peculiarities of national operation".

Models of TOPAU crane scales: VA 16-1000 with remote control-9, VA 16-2000 with remote control-9, VA 05061, VA 16-3000 with remote control-9, VA 16-5000 with remote control-9, VA 05061 with remote control-9, VA 10061, VA 10061 with remote control-9, VA 25061, VA 25061 with remote control-9, VA 50061, VA 50061 with remote control-9.

URALVES crane scales are used in the work of industrial, construction, trade enterprises, logistics centers, warehouses, scrap metal collection points.

URALVES crane scales models: KV-300, KV-500, KV-1000, KV-2000-A(K), KV-2000, KV-3000, KV-3000-A(K), KV-5000-A(K), KV-5000, KV-1000-And, KV-2000-I, KV-3000-I, KV-10000-A(K), KV-5000-I, KV-1000-I (S), KV-10000, KV-3000-I (S), KV-10000-I, KV-5000-And (S), KV-10000-And (S), KV-15000, KV-15000-And, KV-20000, KV-20000-And, KV-15000-And (S), KV-20000-And (S).


All products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant: table scales, trade scales, commodity scales, counting scales, moisture-proof scales, postal scales, scales with label printing, medical scales, laboratory scales, analytical scales, microweights, comparator scales, crane scales, platform scales, ramp scales, mortise scales, pallet scales, beam scales, scales for animals, automotive scales, hydraulic trolleys with scales, mechanical scales, household scales, dynamometers, checkweighers, weights, accessories for scales
  • Laboratory scales
    Laboratory scales
    VLTE-510S, VLE-623SI, etc.
  • Analytical scales GOSMETER
    Analytical scales GOSMETER
    VL-S, VLA-S, VLA-S-O, etc.
  • Analytical scales
    Analytical scales
    CAUY 120, CAUX 120, etc.
  • Semi-microweights
    VLA-220MA, etc.
  • Technical scales
    Technical scales
    Series VLTE-T, VLTE-P-V, etc.
  • Platform scales
    Platform scales
    ERW, ERW-C, RUNWAY, VAC, etc.
  • Mass comparators
    Mass comparators
    VLE-1023X, VLE-6202K, etc.
  • Humidity Analyzers
    Humidity Analyzers
    AUG-60 and others.
  • Table scales
    Table scales
    HT-300, HT-3000, HT-5000, etc.
  • Trade scales
    Trade scales
    PR-30B, PR-15B, PR-30P, etc.
  • Commodity scales
    Commodity scales
    EM-60KAM, EM-30KAM, etc.
  • Counting scales
    Counting scales
    AC-100-5, AC-100-30, etc.
  • Moisture-proof scales
    Moisture-proof scales
    BW-150RB, etc.
  • Postal scales
    Postal scales
    VP-3/30, VP-3/6, etc.
  • Scales with label printing
    Scales with label printing
    LP-30, LP-15, LP-06, etc.
  • Medical scales
    Medical scales
    354, 334, 769, 703, etc.
  • Comparator scales
    Comparator scales
    MC-6100, MC-1000, etc.
  • Crane scales
    Crane scales
    CASTON-I 1 THA, etc.
  • Ramp scales
    Ramp scales
    VSP4-1000.2 H9, etc.
  • Mortise scales
    Mortise scales
    VSP4-600.2 V9, etc.
  • Pallet scales
    Pallet scales
    VSP4-1500P9, etc.
  • Beam scales
    Beam scales
    VSP4-600.2C9, etc.
  • Scales for animals
    Scales for animals
    VT 8908-1000SH, etc.
  • Car scales
    Car scales
    RW-15P-2, RW-10P-2, etc.
  • Hydraulic trolleys with scales
    Hydraulic trolleys with scales
    CW25, CW30, etc.
  • Mechanical scales
    Mechanical scales
    VT8908-100U, VT8908-100, etc.
  • Household scales
    Household scales
    815, Profi 50, etc.
  • Dynamometers
    K 3000 VZHA-0/BE9, etc.
  • Checkweighers
    AD-4961-2KD-2035, etc.
  • Kettlebells
    F2, M2, M1, F1, etc.
  • Accessories for scales
    Accessories for scales
    SQB-500kg, etc.


The New Technologies Group of Companies offers a wide range of weighing equipment.

    New Technologies Group is endowed with dealer rights to sell weighing equipment from leading manufacturers.
  • quality

    Everything we sell is provided with quality certificates from the manufacturer.

    Our experts will help you choose the right equipment for specific operating conditions at the best price.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • The questionnaire
    The questionnaire


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